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曾信傑 Tzeng, Shin-Cheih


Associate Professor



TEL:(06)6930-100  #2646








Ph.D. in Museum & Gallery Studies, June 2009, University of St Andrews, UK






2009- Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural; Relics and Museology, TNNUA, Taiwan.

2004-2009 Assistant Curator, Visual Resources Collection, University of St Andrews, UK




Areas of Expertise


Museum Management

Museum Marketing

Museum Education&Museum Visitor Studies

Studies on National Museums






Dr. Shin-Chieh Tzeng has awarded his Ph.D. in Museum and Gallery Studies from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK in 2009 and since has been a faculty member of the Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology.  He worked for several museums in Taiwan, including the Museum of World Religions, the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology, the TTT Puppet Theatre Museum, all in Taipei before he started his doctoral study.  His research interests focus on museum management, museum marketing, study on national museums, museum education and visitors, and therefore he published a dozen of papers in several journals, including the Museology Quarterly, Technology Museum Reviews and Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum.  He also presented his research in a number of international conferences, such as the 8th and 9th AIMAC, the 4th, 5th and 7th ICCPR, Design for Learning 2012 in Montreal, Valencia, Vienna, Barcelona and Copenhagen. He teaches postgraduate courses on <Museum Marketing>, <Museum Educational Programming>, <Museum Organisation and Management>, <Exhibition Evaluation>, <Museums and Cultural Tourism>, <Museum Collections Management>, <Digitalising Museums>, <Attracting and Integrating Resources for Non-Profit Organisations>.




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